pagination arrow HTML or null if there is none. */ function get_query_pagination_arrow( $block, $is_next ) { $arrow_map = array( 'none' => '', 'arrow' => array( 'next' => '→', 'previous' => '←', ), 'chevron' => array( 'next' => '»', 'previous' => '«', ), ); if ( ! empty( $block->context['paginationArrow'] ) && array_key_exists( $block->context['paginationArrow'], $arrow_map ) && ! empty( $arrow_map[ $block->context['paginationArrow'] ] ) ) { $pagination_type = $is_next ? 'next' : 'previous'; $arrow_attribute = $block->context['paginationArrow']; $arrow = $arrow_map[ $block->context['paginationArrow'] ][ $pagination_type ]; $arrow_classes = "wp-block-query-pagination-$pagination_type-arrow is-arrow-$arrow_attribute"; return ""; } return null; } /** * Helper function that constructs a comment query vars array from the passed * block properties. * * It's used with the Comment Query Loop inner blocks. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * @return array Returns the comment query parameters to use with the * WP_Comment_Query constructor. */ function build_comment_query_vars_from_block( $block ) { $comment_args = array( 'orderby' => 'comment_date_gmt', 'order' => 'ASC', 'status' => 'approve', 'no_found_rows' => false, ); if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $comment_args['include_unapproved'] = array( get_current_user_id() ); } else { $unapproved_email = wp_get_unapproved_comment_author_email(); if ( $unapproved_email ) { $comment_args['include_unapproved'] = array( $unapproved_email ); } } if ( ! empty( $block->context['postId'] ) ) { $comment_args['post_id'] = (int) $block->context['postId']; } if ( get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { $comment_args['hierarchical'] = 'threaded'; } else { $comment_args['hierarchical'] = false; } if ( get_option( 'page_comments' ) === '1' || get_option( 'page_comments' ) === true ) { $per_page = get_option( 'comments_per_page' ); $default_page = get_option( 'default_comments_page' ); if ( $per_page > 0 ) { $comment_args['number'] = $per_page; $page = (int) get_query_var( 'cpage' ); if ( $page ) { $comment_args['paged'] = $page; } elseif ( 'oldest' === $default_page ) { $comment_args['paged'] = 1; } elseif ( 'newest' === $default_page ) { $max_num_pages = (int) ( new WP_Comment_Query( $comment_args ) )->max_num_pages; if ( 0 !== $max_num_pages ) { $comment_args['paged'] = $max_num_pages; } } } } return $comment_args; } /** * Helper function that returns the proper pagination arrow HTML for * `CommentsPaginationNext` and `CommentsPaginationPrevious` blocks based on the * provided `paginationArrow` from `CommentsPagination` context. * * It's used in CommentsPaginationNext and CommentsPaginationPrevious blocks. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * @param string $pagination_type Optional. Type of the arrow we will be rendering. * Accepts 'next' or 'previous'. Default 'next'. * @return string|null The pagination arrow HTML or null if there is none. */ function get_comments_pagination_arrow( $block, $pagination_type = 'next' ) { $arrow_map = array( 'none' => '', 'arrow' => array( 'next' => '→', 'previous' => '←', ), 'chevron' => array( 'next' => '»', 'previous' => '«', ), ); if ( ! empty( $block->context['comments/paginationArrow'] ) && ! empty( $arrow_map[ $block->context['comments/paginationArrow'] ][ $pagination_type ] ) ) { $arrow_attribute = $block->context['comments/paginationArrow']; $arrow = $arrow_map[ $block->context['comments/paginationArrow'] ][ $pagination_type ]; $arrow_classes = "wp-block-comments-pagination-$pagination_type-arrow is-arrow-$arrow_attribute"; return ""; } return null; } /** * Strips all HTML from the content of footnotes, and sanitizes the ID. * * This function expects slashed data on the footnotes content. * * @access private * @since 6.3.2 * * @param string $footnotes JSON-encoded string of an array containing the content and ID of each footnote. * @return string Filtered content without any HTML on the footnote content and with the sanitized ID. */ function _wp_filter_post_meta_footnotes( $footnotes ) { $footnotes_decoded = json_decode( $footnotes, true ); if ( ! is_array( $footnotes_decoded ) ) { return ''; } $footnotes_sanitized = array(); foreach ( $footnotes_decoded as $footnote ) { if ( ! empty( $footnote['content'] ) && ! empty( $footnote['id'] ) ) { $footnotes_sanitized[] = array( 'id' => sanitize_key( $footnote['id'] ), 'content' => wp_unslash( wp_filter_post_kses( wp_slash( $footnote['content'] ) ) ), ); } } return wp_json_encode( $footnotes_sanitized ); } /** * Adds the filters for footnotes meta field. * * @access private * @since 6.3.2 */ function _wp_footnotes_kses_init_filters() { add_filter( 'sanitize_post_meta_footnotes', '_wp_filter_post_meta_footnotes' ); } /** * Removes the filters for footnotes meta field. * * @access private * @since 6.3.2 */ function _wp_footnotes_remove_filters() { remove_filter( 'sanitize_post_meta_footnotes', '_wp_filter_post_meta_footnotes' ); } /** * Registers the filter of footnotes meta field if the user does not have `unfiltered_html` capability. * * @access private * @since 6.3.2 */ function _wp_footnotes_kses_init() { _wp_footnotes_remove_filters(); if ( ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) { _wp_footnotes_kses_init_filters(); } } /** * Initializes the filters for footnotes meta field when imported data should be filtered. * * This filter is the last one being executed on {@see 'force_filtered_html_on_import'}. * If the input of the filter is true, it means we are in an import situation and should * enable kses, independently of the user capabilities. So in that case we call * _wp_footnotes_kses_init_filters(). * * @access private * @since 6.3.2 * * @param string $arg Input argument of the filter. * @return string Input argument of the filter. */ function _wp_footnotes_force_filtered_html_on_import_filter( $arg ) { // If `force_filtered_html_on_import` is true, we need to init the global styles kses filters. if ( $arg ) { _wp_footnotes_kses_init_filters(); } return $arg; }